
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Great Interview Tips

Through the years, I've interviewed many different people in various situations. Some times I've interviewed in a restaurant or in the corner of a busy room. At other times, I've been in the home of a particular person and interviewed them in this environment. Each interview is unique and calls on a different set of circumstances and skills, which I'm constantly developing and improving.

This week I found a great article loaded with solid tips for anyone who is interviewing someone else. That interview may be background for your fiction novel or the interview might be for a magazine article that you are crafting or numerous other writing projects. Eric Nalder at the San Jose Mercury News has valuable insight into this key area. While you are reading the article, also follow Bill Stoller's various links at Publicity Insider. He's another solid resource to check out.

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My entries about the writing life will be a challenge over the next few days. Tomorrow I head for Los Angeles and Mega Book Marketing University. It looks like a tremendous learning experience.

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3 Comment:

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Heather Ivester Left a note...

Thanks for this great article on interviewing. It's a skill that follows you around -- I find myself interviewing everyone I meet. I even interviewed the bus driver last week on a field trip to the circus. (His daughter survived a terrible motorcycle accident and has a story to tell about entering heaven briefly, before the paramedics revived her!)

We wish you a safe trip to LA and look forward to hearing about the conference!

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Unknown Left a note...

Yes, I keep getting e-mails for the Mega Book Marketing University and I'm envious of you. Sounds like a great event. Come back with lots of good info for us!

At 5:29 AM, Blogger Full Contact, Savior-centric Livin Left a note...

Thanks Terry! I've been thinking of doing a series of interviews for a mag I've been writing for. This is a timely post--for me, anyway--and it's an area I want to develop.


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